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The Village.

'Growing, gathering, preserving, pickling, cooking and eating are all so much better when shared with your village.'

We bring you The Village, our second book. A book that is about nurturing and being nurtured; it’s about growing, cooking and eating together; it’s about local, traditional food made from whole, natural ingredients. It’s about the laughter, the play, the chaos and the mess that comes with being human.
      And it’s for everyone who wants to embrace life in all its fullness and celebrate their village, whatever form that takes.
      In The Village, we share the skills you need to grow, preserve and prepare an abundance of nourishing food to share with your village—whoever that is for you. We focus on the life-giving value of growing, cooking and eating with your village.


Master the basics to feed your village—from establishing a garden (the absolute essentials to success!) through to harvest—learn how to lay out your garden to make the most of whatever growing space you have. There are also inspiring garden projects, comprehensive planting charts (vegetables and flowers) and a natural pest control guide to keep your garden in perfect balance, always.


We share secrets, from our time in some of the longest lived villages on the planet. Secrets to living a long life, amongst the chaos, mess and community that is life!


Then, there are 100 simple, nourishing recipes featuring only the most wholesome, real ingredients. Make your own homemade staples such as kombucha, gluten-free gnocchi and sourdough flatbreads.
Learn how to make preserves and ferments to stock your shelves, such as Italian kimchi, pear, lemon and chilli jam and zucchini pickles.
There are hearty breakfasts, tasty small plates, colourful vegetable dishes, warming soups and delicious meals, all designed to share. Try whole grain breakfast muffins, Nonna’s leek and spinach fritters, wild greens with fresh dukkah and yoghurt, and pan-fried gnocchi, pea and ricotta salad.
And finally, celebrate with simple and wonderful desserts like baked plums, sage and warm cheese, raw chocolate and espresso bowls, and blueberry and olive oil torte!

available NOW!

SIZE 208 x 271 x 29.5 mm (1.3 kg!)
PAGES 352 (including over 100 recipes!)