Cucumber kimchi
You will notice that this newsletter looks a little different! We had a few requests to make our posts easier to read in your inbox, and we agreed. We hope you like it!
We are little bit obsessed with fermentation, in particular fermented cucumbers seem to be one of our favourites! Last year we put up our fermented dill pickle recipe, which truly is one of the most popular recipes in our house, and we eat them non-stop throughout winter. I think it’s because in the depths of winter, eating a fermented, crisp cucumber tastes so delicious and fresh, at a time when you seem to be eating basically all cooked food.
So this year we have been experimenting with cucumber kimchi - which combines two of our favourite things together: Cucumbers + kimchi. Fermentation is super good for you – this style of preserving, preserves all of the naturally occurring vitamins and minerals in the vegetables and additionally adds lots of good bacteria, to help maintain gut and immune health. We try to have something fermented with every meal, especially coming into winter and throughout it, to keep us well as it begins to get so cold.
This recipe makes a vegan, crunchy cucumber kimchi, with a little sourness from the lactic-acid (good) bacteria and is medium-hot! Adjust as desired!
P.S. We are running a pickling and preserving workshop in Melbourne, Sunday April 17th. Come along! We will talk you through preserving with the seasons - bottling (preserving with heat) and fermentation (preserving for health!). Click here for tickets