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Blog summaries

Mustard carrots, cauliflower & lentils + launch love


Mustard carrots, cauliflower & lentils + launch love

On Saturday we officially launched our little book into the world. It was a truly incredible night for us, surrounded by beautiful friends, family and supporters. We honestly couldn't have imagined a more amazing night and wish you all could have fit into the amazing Pope Joan to help us celebrate. 

For those who couldn't be there, Lentil shed some tears, we were truly overwhelmed by the love in the room, there were lots of spring flowers from the farm, an abundance of wine - including our own, food from our book (including a cake table, who doesn't love a cake table!), and lots of shared stories around the creation of the book.

Because you couldn't all be there, this week we are sharing a recipe for an awesome spring salad that we all enjoyed at the launch, one from the book. So you can create it at home, share it with your family, and feel like you were there too!

Read the full post and get the recipe here.