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Everyone cookies: Pumpkin, cacao & almond + favourite books


Everyone cookies: Pumpkin, cacao & almond

So, there are two reasons we have called these "everyone cookies". 
1) They pretty much are everything free: they're vegan, refined-sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, grain-free. So almost everyone can enjoy them. And,
2) They are super easy. Even if you can't bake or are too busy to bake, you can make these.

We started making these when we went on the book tour, as we needed something super quick to put together, something we could take with us and also something that we could eat knowing it was full of all the good things. We are also big fans of a cookie and a coffee for breakfast, especially when we are in a bit of a hurry, and these work as a good, wholesome breakfast cookie. So to us they tick all the boxes as an everyone cookie.

They are a mix of soft, a little chewy  and just the right amount of sweet - and we also have a fun trick to make them perfectly crunchy. You feel like you ate something wholesome, but still feel slightly guilty, all at the same time!

Read the full post and get the recipe here.